Kennedy Ross

Kennedy Ross is the UK’s number one sales training company based on results. Delivering expert sales training and development to B2C organisations, they focus on the training of effective and inspirational performance improvement

The Brief

The client has a clear growth strategy for the medium term. In order to meet their business objectives, they needed to increase their volume of incoming leads whilst lowering overall cost per lead. To facilitate this, they wanted to see an increase in volume of organic website traffic and better engagement from those who do arrive on their site.

The Challenge

The client’s marketplace is extremely crowded so gaining cut through in competition with bigger businesses was a key challenge to overcome. This was particularly difficult given the client’s requirement to significantly reduce cost per lead.

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The Solution

M4B were brought on-board to deliver a holistic, Digital Marketing Strategy to meet the client’s objectives. M4B provided a dedicated Account Manager and monthly catch up meetings were held to review status, troubleshoot issues and ensure focus for the client had not changed.

The strategy included:

1) SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

2) Website Conversion Rate Optimisation

3) PPC (Pay Per Click advertising)


M4B conducted a full review of to ascertain where improvements could be made to increase their organic search position. Working closely with the client, all relevant search terms were compiled in order to ensure they would feature on the site to help the rankings where needed.

The SEO improvements were split into two focusses; content and technical to ensure the best possible chance of appearing higher up search results.

Content – a suite of new landing pages was created to promote all the services offered by Kennedy Ross. They were location-specific and tailored to long-tail search terms for specificity so when the client landed on the page, bounce rate would be lowered as the content was what they were looking for. Additional content started and continues to be produced with two blogs per month, always optimised with relevant keywords.

Technical – the whole website was optimised behind the scenes with focuses placed on title tags, meta descriptions, heading tags and image alt tags are all in place and properly optimised.

Conversion rate optimisation

All web pages were optimised to ensure that when the traffic lands on the site, it engages within the required metrics. This included review of templates including layouts, image placement and frequency, calls to action in the right format and placed correctly and content being good quality.


Where SEO benefits will take longer to be realised, PPC campaigns are required in order to ensure the client does not miss out on traffic from certain search criteria. Again, working with the client to ensure the right key words were used, a Google Adwords campaign was setup with all ad copy fully optimised. Geo-targeted campaigns were also setup to ensure audiences in the right locations were served the appropriate ads to suit them and therefore encourage interaction.

Increase in Organic Traffic
Increase in Leads
Increase in Conversion Rate
Reduction in Cost Per Lead

What the client says…

As a company so focused on our own client’s results, we needed an agency to deliver for us this time. M4B’s passion to get our marketing and subsequently our website delivering leads at the volume and quality we require was second to none. Our Account Manager, Leah, really cared about us which is why we are thrilled with the results we have seen so far. We’re now achieving the growth we set out to do at the start of our plan and are confident that by continuing to work with M4B we can exceed our targets.

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