The Silver Line

The Silver Line Takes Donor Management to New Heights with Salesforce CRM

About the charity

The Silver Line is the only free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people.

Founded by Esther Rantzen DBE, the national charity helpline has received over 920,000 calls; 53% of callers saying that they had literally no-one else to speak to. They have developed a volunteer network of over 3000 ‘Silver Line friends’ who make regular weekly friendship calls to older people – A truly great and inspirational charity.

elderly lady sitting on a bench

Why Salesforce?

In order to develop strong, lasting relationships with its donors, The Silver Line recognized the need to implement a Sales cloud platform to manage all of their constituent data in one place; everything from documenting past giving patterns, issues they care about, other members that they have introduced to the charity, potential volunteer opportunities that they may be interested in and a complete 360 degree view on all funds raised.

Director of Fundraising at The Silver Line Nina Gopal said:

“The introduction of Salesforce has given us full visibility of where our donations come from. We now have a clear insight into the relationships we have with every donor. The team are extremely excited to have a platform that has been moulded and tailored to our organisations needs.”

Full Visibility Of ROI With Reports and Dashboards

The ability to report on donations and other related data now allows the team at Silver Line to develop extremely insightful reports and dashboards. The ability to be able to see which events and campaigns have been the most successful through ROI allows them to make informed decisions on where to focus their resources and efforts moving forward.

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